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Wildcat Creek Tallgrass Prairie

About this prairie

This tallgrass prairie has one of the best displays of the orange-red flowering Butterfly Milkweed plants anywhere, with a healthy population of Regal Fritillaries. The milkweeds

plus the dark blue Scurfpea plants and yellow Black-eyed Susans form a great combination from mid June to early

July.  Be aware that the mud road is treacherous.

Restoration/Management Work:

Burned in 2019, it has responded well. Sweet clover is a concern here.  Sweet clover is encroaching from the unmaintained county road along the southern boundary.  Additional concerns are with Eastern Red Cedars beginning to convert the adjacent property to the east into a cedar forest, resulting in an over-abundant seed source to populate the prairie. Eastern red cedars are also found along the west prairie margin. Cedars and osage orange have been removed in Fall of 2021.

Type of habitat:

Remnant Upland Tallgrass Prairie


Gage County, south-southwest of Virginia, Nebraska


Size (Acres):

32 Acres



Wildlife and Plant Species Found Here:

Flora: butterfly milkweed, silverleaf scurfpea, black-eyed susan, blue vervain, tall thistle, black-eyed susan, large flowered gaura, pitcher sage, round-leaf lespedeza, false sunflower, prairie sage, flowering spurge, western ironweed, sliver-leaf scurf pea, wild bergamont, porcupine grass, chokecherry, compass plant, prairie cordgrass, purple prairie clover, white-prairie clover, prairie rose, prairie sage, white snakeroot, st. john's wort, wild strawberry, prairie violet, tall dropseed, eastern gamagrass, scribner's spring-panicum, prairie blue-eyed grass, slender-flower scurf-pea, fring-leaf wild petunia

Fauna: regal fritillary, monarch butterfly



GPS Coordinates: 40°09'40.9"N 96°31'38.2"W

Google Maps Address: 5F6F+Q5P Liberty, NE, USA

7 miles south on Liberty Road (S 162 Rd) from northwest corner Virginia and NE 04/Liberty Road intersection to “Stop” sign on B-Line Rd, 1 mile west on B-Line Rd to intersection with Rd S 148; 1 mile north on Rd S 148 to E. Osage Rd, 0.5 mile west on E. Osage Rd; Prairie located on north side of

E. Osage Rd (E. Osage Rd is a minimum use “minimum maintenance road”)



Wachiska Audubon Society
4547 Calvert St. Suite 10 - Lincoln, NE 68506-5643
402-486-4846  - 

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