Berg Tallgrass Prairie (East)
About this prairie
Berg East is a 10-acre lowland/wetland in the Little Nemaha River floodplain just southeast of Talmadge, NE. It is bordered on three sides by Wetland Reserve program land. Its main grasses are Prairie cordgrass and western wheatgrass in the alkali spots (photo). The main wildflowers are Compass plant and Golden Alexander. Check it out in early spring for wetland plants like sedges and rushes. Sedge wrens are known to nest here.
Restoration/Management Work:
The main concern is balancing the prevalence of invasive red clover and an overbearing dominance of native Prairie Cordgrass to the exclusion of other native species. We have been using deferred haying to let the taller Cordgrass shade out the clover and prescribed burns in winter to kill the fall growth of the red clover.
Type of habitat:
Lowland Tallgrass Prairie
Otoe County, south-southeast of Talmage, east side of Hwy. NE 67
Size (Acres):
10 Acres
Wildlife and Plant Species Found Here:
Flora: prairie cordgrass, western wheatgrass, golden aldexander, meadow anemone, cobea penstemon, compass plant
Fauna: sedge wrens
GPS Coordinates: 40°31'15.4"N 96°00'35.0"W
Google Maps Address: GXCR+8QR Talmage, NE, USA
1 mile south on NE 105/NE 67 from Talmage Spur Road, or 2.5 miles north on NE 105/NE 67 from NE 105/NE 67 intersection west of Brock; Prairie on east side of NE 105/NE 67 and across road from Wetland Conservation Reserve open water marshland.